
Consultancy firm Dimension Legal, a member of "Dimension" CJSC’s group, in partnership with the British Embassy in Yerevan, jointly organised a seminar on “Business Integrity as a Modern-Day Requirement” at Mantashyants Association.

Consultancy firm Dimension Legal, a member of "Dimension" CJSC’s group, in partnership with the British Embassy in Yerevan, jointly organised a seminar on “Business Integrity as a Modern-Day Requirement” at Mantashyants Association.

A discussion on “Business Integrity as a Modern-Day Requirement” 12 May 2023, Friday
“Dimension” CJSC successfully joined to Echo Trade platform.

“Dimension” CJSC successfully joined to Echo Trade platform.

Dimension Investments successfully joined to Echo Trade platform which is the first platform to offer advanced financial strategies to all investors all around the world and gives you a new way to build and manage your portfolio. No need to rely on basement traders or inexperienced hobbyists. 05 January 2023, Thursday
"Dimension" CJSC successfully placed "Fast Credit Capital” UCO CJSC

"Dimension" CJSC successfully placed "Fast Credit Capital” UCO CJSC's Bonds

"FAST CREDIT CAPITAL" UCO CJSC issued AMD and USD bonds with 11.5% and 6.25% yield. The purpose of the bonds issuance is to raise money for a certain period. 16 December 2022, Friday