Dimension Investments acts as the underwriter of "Fast Bank" CJSC’s AMD and USD nominal coupon bonds with 11.50% and 6.25% coupon.

Dimension Investments acts as the underwriter of

Dimension investments is the underwriter of "Fast Bank" CJSC’s AMD and USD nominal coupon bonds.


The placement will take place between August 28 and October 12, 2023.


The total volume of the placement is AMD 4,000,000,000 and USD 2,000,000.


The nominal value of the bonds is AMD 100,000 and USD 100.


The annual coupon yield of the AMD and USD bonds is respectively 11.50% and 6.25% with 27 months of maturity period. 

Coupons will be paid on a quarterly basis. 


Bonds are interest-bearing financial instruments which have high-demand in the market and many other advantages.

By investing in bonds, after the maturity of the bond the investor gets back the money, he/she invested with additional income.


"Fast Bank" CJSC’s bonds will be listed on the Bbond platform of the Armenia Securities Exchange, ensuring free circulation. The quotation of the bonds will be carried out by market maker.


For additional information about the program prospectus, please visit the following link.


For more information about bonds, as well as purchasing bonds, please contact us at the following number: 010 54 56 70.


About "Fast Bank" CJSC


Fast Bank is a bank with the strategy of becoming a fully digital bank by creating and developing an online ecosystem, providing customers with an individual behavioral approach, and forming a new lifestyle on the digital platform. Fast Bank is still in the process of its transformational path.

The history of Fast Bank began on April 1, 1994, when the first branch of "Fast Credit" LLC opened at 37 Abovyan St. in Yerevan, which then operated as a pawn shop.

On October 14, 2011, "Fast Credit Capital" UCO CJSC was registered as a credit organization.

On November 9, 2022, Fast Credit acquired the Central Bank of RA license to carry out banking activities and is registered as "Fast Bank" CJSC, inheriting Fast Credit's rich experience, large customer base, quality business and IT team, and large volume of assets (more than 70 billion AMD).


About “Dimension” CJSC


Founded in 2018 and with capabilities spanning Investment Securities Services, Capital Markets Advisory, and Investment Management & Research, Dimension strives to put clients first by being their most reliable, insightful, and effective investment services partner in Armenia, while maintaining the firm's high integrity. Dimension’s capabilities are fortified by its core values, highly engaged shareholders and global network.


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23 August 2023, Wednesday | 2084

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