“Dimension” CJSC successfully joined to Echo Trade platform.

“Dimension” CJSC successfully joined to Echo Trade platform.

Dimension Investments successfully joined to Echo Trade platform which is the first platform to offer advanced financial strategies to all investors all around the world and gives you a new way to build and manage your portfolio. No need to rely on basement traders or inexperienced hobbyists.


Our global investment strategist is Vincent Catalano who has 40 years professional investing experience. 25 years with Merrill Lynch advising private clients, small institutional investors, and corporations on sound investment principles and asset management. Earned CFA charter in 1986, became education chair then board member and president with CFA Society New York (1991 - 2006). Expert in public and private markets investing. Author (“Sectors and Styles” (2006, Wiley)) and frequent speaker in the financial media and at professional investor conferences (e.g., Bloomberg Radio and TV, CNBC, Financial Times, Reuters, various CFA societies). Investment strategy rooted in well-established core concepts of sound investing and asset management.


Echo trading platform’s main advantages are the following:


    Echo Trade is the first platform to offer advanced financial strategies to all investors. By partnering with top registered investment firms, it provides a marketplace of strategies that fit anyone's needs and budget. You can follow the link below to access and subscribe to a strategy. Browse investment strategies and filter by risk level, cost, trader type, and more. All Echo Trade firms are carefully selected and vetted by the Echo Trade team.


For registration: Click here



    All of the information contained herein is for informational purposes and should not be perceived as a recommendation to sell or buy any security. There is an inherent risk in investing and any capital invested may lose value and cause potential damages. Dimension Investments does not take the responsibility of registrations, changes, privacy protection and guarantee of privacy of personal data, as well as investing results. You should independently evaluate all risks related to any investment. Past performance is no indicator of future returns. Any opinions expressed by the investment strategists may change as subsequent conditions vary. The Echo Trade platform has no affiliation with "Dimension" CJSC, is not supervised by "Dimension" CJSC and is not accountable to "Dimension" CJSC.



05 January 2023, Thursday | 1108

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